by John Peilmeier

25th – 27th March 1993

Dr Livingstone, a court-appointed psychiatrist, is asked to determine the sanity of a nun accused of murdering her own baby. The Mother Superior seems bent on protecting Sister Agnes from Livingstone whose suspicions are immediately aroused. In searching for solutions to various mysteries Livingstone forces all of them to face some harsh realities in their own lives.

Agnes Progagnes

The Cast

Dr Martha Livingstone: Enid Farr
Mother Miriam Ruth: Mary Warrington
Agnes: Tracey Brett

Produced by Mike Long

Newbury Weekly News review

Challenging themes

It took considerable courage for Compton Players to present John Peilmeier’s Agnes of God. It deals with controversial matters; religion, sex and murder in a frank and often graphic way. The producer and cast are to be congratulated for grasping the nettle and producing a powerful and intriguing piece of drama, even if it did at times make the audience uneasy. A murdered new born child is found in the waste paper basket in a novice nun’s room. The nun, Agnes has blanked all memory of the incident, and Dr Livingstone, a psychiatrist, is assigned by the courts to investigate.

The action takes place in the office of the Doctor and by means of flashback and in hypnosis sessions, the whole sordid story unfolds, also bringing to light the prejudices and problems of the Doctor and Mother Miriam, The Mother Superior.

The three actresses are all highly praiseworthy, bearing in mind they are dramatic and challenging roles. In the role of Dr Martha Livingstone, Enid Farr was smooth, very convincing and word perfect, despite the fact that she never left the stage. As Mother Miriam Ruth, Mary Warrington brought strength coupled with a great vulnerability to her role.

As Agnes, Tracey Brett was outstanding, as this was an extremely complicated role. The explicit hypnosis sessions were particularly well handled by all, and the flashbacks with the stained glass back projection were impressive.

It will be interesting to learn the feedback as a result of mounting this very controversial play. Compton Players and producer Mike Long must be praised for taking the risk, and the high quality of the production